Thursday 24 November 2011

Yr 10 Football

The next Year 10 Football match will take place on Wednesday, 14th December, 2011.

The boys will be playing Corelli College (Away).

Mr Phillips.

Monday 21 November 2011

ICT Department News

CC4G update

Computer Club for Girls has had three sessions so far this half term and it rocks! Just like the website says we had girls, well was girl from year 9 was up and dancing during her work on the Celebrities project. Here the pupils make a contact list of artists for a simulated music agency and have to decide whether to employ them based on their musical abilities. All tasks lead to ICT skills and this one is no different. It encourages databasing capabilities. Highlights so far have been one year 9 girl reading to everyone and another one in the year 9 asking if she could access the site at home to do even more.

 “Big Hitters” Conference 2011

On the first day of advent, all the A-Level Applied ICT students will set out on a trip to attend the fantastic conference at the School of Education in central London. .

During the day we hope to see: 

  • Robert Hamilton, Google Product Manager, California will be giving a presentation on Intelligent Collaborative Tools, discussing how groups like the Arab rebels make innovative use of collaborative tools to achieve their goals.
  • Nick Bletzer, Manager of Software Training for IBM UK, who will take a closer look at cloud computing
  • Julie Lunan and Andy Birds, who work in the field of service design and transition management for The Co-operative Bank, the Internet bank Smile and Britannia, will be giving a talk on how internet banking works and looking at fraud and other challenges.
  • Matt Steell, Director for Data Solutions at DunnHumby, which manages some of the world’s largest and most complex databases, will tell the conference how they help, amongst others, Tesco, Unilever and Coca-Cola get closer to their customers.

Come and share you experience with our students
Lastly, if anyone from the local community has an interest in coming in and speaking to students about how they use ICT in their daily work, or maybe you run an IT company of some sort and wouldn’t mind show a small group of students what you do, then please get in contact with me.

Dan Peacefield

Head of ICT and Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator

Japanese Club News


This has been an amazing few weeks. Miss Bolton and I started the Japanese club to share some of our experiences in Japan with the pupils and it has been a really wonderful time, not just for the pupils who are members but for us two as well.
During the first week we practiced saying our names with Japanese accents and bowing to each other whilst also learning our Katakana scripts. We looked at Japanese festivals during the next club meeting and researched seasonal events and the now famous tree riding festival at Onabashira, marvelling at the beauty and huge sense of community in Japan.
The best session so far, though has been the sushi-cooking session
where I donated some ingredients and we mixed, rolled, prepared, sliced and ate some wonderful sushi rolls. Sharing food with the club members gave Miss Bolton and I a great sense of harmony [wa], which is the character shown here and also part of my name: Peace.

I have also attached a recipe for all those wannabe sushi chefs. Good luck!
I can’t wait for the next few weeks. This club is a one-off seven week event, but may well be repeated next year before Christmas. Arigatou-gozaimasu!

Finally, a (slightly edited) haiku written by a Year 9 student
A cool damp spring breeze
Flowers swaying side to side
In the high meadow

Dan Peacefield

Head of ICT and Gifted and Talented Co-ordinator