Thursday 1 December 2011

Shakespeare School's Festival

On Tuesday 1st November, a group of our pupils performed Othello at the Shakespeare schools’ festival. The performance was a huge success. This was shown in a letter that we received after the performance from the Shakespeare Schools’ Festival coordinator, which said the following:

‘I have heard all about your wonderfully dramatic and intense production of Othello, which was really enjoyed by all. Your really powerful opening started your show with a bang, and excited the audience from the get-go.  The cast did really well to maintain the sense of energy and intensity from the brilliantly fast-paced beginning, right the way through the play.  The tension built and built so that the stakes were really high as the action approached its denouement.  What particularly impressed me was the acting from your cast.  They had a brilliant understanding of the language and their characters, and spoke every line with fantastic intention… It is an extraordinary thing you have done to enable a group of young people to perform Shakespeare on a professional stage, and I am in awe of what teachers, who are already so busy, achieve in the Festival.  I hope the confidence and all the other benefits your young actors gained will stay with them for a long time.’

I am extremely proud of what the cast achieved – it was a brilliant experience for them and they did BBCS proud.

Helen Robertson, 
Teacher-in-Charge of Drama.

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